Friday, December 25, 2009


learning has been the title of my life, so i suppose that it is not inappropriate here. It will be, should I begin to title everything with "learning," though.

This post is in response to a handful of you who have asked me why I stopped blogging back in September. This was also when I began blogging. The answer to this is manifold, and admittedly may not satiate your inquiry even when attempted to be typed out, but I will attempt: "a pen and paper kind of girl" as told to me once by one of my very best friends. That being said, I have nothing against digital journals---its just that my hands naturally gravitate to the most current leatherbound I have laying on my desk, rather than my keyboard.

This has been contested with my desires to accommodate and include all of you in my thoughts and whereabouts. I suppose a mixture of: intimidation upon having many sets of eyes upon my life, combined with: a lack of desire to include the whole world into my thoughts....has brought me to this understanding:

If I am going to write posts, I will need to change the style of my writing. Its nothing against you, dear reader, and most likely very good friend of mine,...'s the nitty gritty:
I have written with so much freedom, ever since I was 14, and especially when I began as a freshman at A&M, onto now. there are things that come out of me when I write that I would not have but only 2 very specific people see. One of those, I know personally, and am attempting to know more and more each day. the other...well i dont believe i know yet. can be done, and in fact I would so much have it as to make it a goal of mine. But until I can coherently put my thoughts together in such a way as to not expose myself in a degree deemed...inapropriate for "anyone" to see, I have counted it a wise decision to most fluid thoughts protected in my shelf of journals.

Im working on it though, because I believe that the things the Lord gives us, He gives us to share. We were meant to receive, and then overflow. I will be working on that for the sake of those of you who have requested this

Perhaps you will find a new post here when I can either: simply not contain any longer a Truth unveiled and must put words to it for anyone to the gospel....or in my case is usually something in life that directly reminds me of the gospel..... I begin to learn how to shift the "who" I am writing to.

Merry Christmas to you all


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