Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our deepest fear

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I -- to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it is in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." -Nelson Mandela

This is for a good friend of mine, whom I count as one of my most precious treasures in heaven.

It is in response to, 1st.... life as of late;

and 2nd....a quote in which she gave to me years ago which has a bit of a familiar aftertaste to this one.

Here's to you beautiful Emily...hope you keep creating :)

Light, is like our translator. It is what our eyes need in order to make sense of reality. Reality is of course in accordance with what what is True, or, Truth.

It's not that light creates Truth; it merely makes it, even if minimally, ...understandable in some Authored capacity, to our eyes, or our perspectives.

If I am driving down a pitch black road in the middle of the night with no lights on, I am in trouble. Not because there is no road, or way, for me to go along, but because I need the light to see the way, and stay on the road. If I have only my low beams on, then I can get by. There is enough light in enough black, to distinguish right from left, or right from wrong, or my lane from a mailbox. But I mean if the engineer designed high beams to be of use to the vehicle, by all means we should use those puppies when they are of good utility. (otherwise, they are merely wasted potential, the most despised of all things.) If you are in a pitch black place, you need as much light as your vehicle can muster up.

But, just because your beams bring light to hover over a certain area of space and you can now see it, doesn't mean that the light is what created the reality. It merely translated the Truth into your understanding. (And your understanding is still laughably tiny compared to the vastness of all reality in existence.)

The light merely translated Truth into your understanding.

It was like the pitcher that poured 8 oz of seawater unto your 8 oz cup.....therefore filling your cup to fullness and satisfaction yet not even hitting on the fringes of how much liquid Truth fills the ocean.

You can now see the mailbox, so naturally you will maneuver so that you do not crash into it. You did not, however, create a mailbox by pointing your car in its direction and then noticing one. It did not just suddenly "pop up" because you discovered it. Truth already exists. it always has, and it never changes. Its the same reason why history is already written. history is all of the past, present, and future, in one story...His Story. And it was written before Adam breathed his first. Truth already exists. Light simply allows us to see it. It gives us access to the already existing (and eternally existing) life, it doesn't create life. But in one side of the paradox, it does create life to us. It gives us access to the life. And the access itself could be understood as the life. So in essence, the light IS the life, and it gives us access to the life. Kind of like how Jesus is both the way to the Father, and he is one with the Father himself.

It merely shows us the way: from our Creator of life

He himself wasnt the light. he was merely a testament to the light. the true light, that gives life to all men, was coming into the world.

That's exactly who Jesus was. He still is in fact our translator, our light. He was. He is. He will be, forever. See because His existence, is not bound to time. (which is broken up into past, present, and future....along with millions of little micro measurements of it as well) and see...we are. we are bound to time.

The eye is the lamp of the body. if your eyes are good then your whole body will be full of light. but if your eyes are bad, then your whole body will be full of darkness. if then, the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness? -Jesus, in Matt6

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