Friday, August 20, 2010


I realized something today. I think a portion of my aversion to e-journalling .....I am displeased with the lack of aesthetics in the typeface.

I thought about this for a moment...seeing as it struck me surprising. It's not a make or break ingredient to the salad. I understand this is more of a crouton, right? Well, Its a sneaky little crouton with a lot of zest that I never had let settle on my tastebuds long enough to see why....I am, well I am certainly not faithful in this endeavor. I think I wrote last time about this very subject. :)... well it's a good thing I am not being too hard on myself. I do understand that I certainly have the permissibility of playing with the typeface and manipulating the aesthetics in order to create an image that is self-satisfying to portray for others.

The thing that I came to pretty quickly was this: I don't have enough desire. Im sorry if that's too forward, or if that disappoints some. It's not that I don't care to provide updates for those who are truly interested. ....I suppose that I would love to update ....well, YOU. personally. you know, using your name.

And really, the only image I would like to cultivate is that which I'm breathing in of Jesus Christ.
check out colossians 1:15.
and go ahead and read the next 5 verses since you're there.....:)

For those of you who would like an actual update, I have nothing but wonderful things to share. This is because God has made grace abound to me in every way so that in all things I may abound to you. It's crazy to relate to someone's writings who wrote nothing short of thousands of years ago. Breathtaking.
---it was Paul in 2 Cor 9:8 might as well read the next couple of verses there too. they're rich.

What I've resolved to do, is begin posting things that have recently occurred to me. ---unelaborated upon. simple and plain.

If you're reading this, then chances are you know me personally, at least in some level.

If you know even the thinnest layer of who I am it probably won't surprise you when you hear me say that each and every one of the 'things that have occurred to me lately' .....most definately have a followup, and a journey from which each of these little epiphanies.....which are usually just 'small bits of more information' unveiled about certain things.

some things have perplexed me for years.
Some things i did not even realize I had never come to even this point of why I am the way i am, or why God is the way He is, or why people are the way they are.

Don't get too excited. these are certainly not: terminated thoughts. They are merely 'trail markers' in the measure of my understanding. So please don't take anything i will post to be Truth in it's entirety....but perhaps rather an attempt to convey more of His image.

heck, they may not be Truth at all. :) that's where I'd love your feedback. I'd love to know if you think Im off my rocker, or if you can identify with some of the things that are being more and more unveiled in my life.

I like sharing things I find valuable. This is a quality I admire in Christ. Maybe that's why I value it so much. So let me know what you think. I'd actually prefer if you sent me your thoughts in another avenue....snail mail happens to be sweetest on my personal tastebuds, but even email would suffice. I just like the personal aspect involved in i love it, ha.

So it's not going to hurt my feelings if you disagree with the way I may view something. I am trying just like everyone else to understand more about what is important in this world as anyone else....and even understand more about what is WORTH trying to understand, and learn of. What I've found so far, is that it's not so much a 'what' as it is a 'who' that carries the most weight in worthiness to tap into.

That and....Truth smashed to the ground will rise. and Lies fall and die never to resurrect. So i'm not necessarily afraid of an opinion to challenge my own. best case scenario, I could be wrong, and then corrected by the ressurection of Truth. And you would've helped me to come to that :)

So for today:

I've realized that....a rather surprising element to why I am not drawn to e-writing.....the typeface, the characters...are almost fibbing. they lack a measure of....well, character.

That's not to say Im against typeface. I am truly thankful for it's existence. I am simply not smitten with it, which is okay :)


for you, im sorry: I am Well. :) This is true because the Lord is GOOD, and He gives only good. I'll post more about this at a later date, as it is something that He has been teaching me about in adventurously romantic ways for a little while now, but very much currently. I have felt many different things about Dallas. Thankful. Disgusted. Hopeful. Disappointed. and...peaceful. ---Which is 100% testimony of the Lord's Hand in orchestration here. press into what is important y'all. -N